really, i love d picture. And i love d color combinations, that's my favorite colors!
suddenly she gave me this award.. and she wrote about this blog in her post ..
Pengen share sebentar!then she wrote about the blogs one by one. let's to d point, she wrote it :
Saat quh ngerasa blog ini makin ga jelaz, Keluar dari jalur dan tema yang uda aquh pikirkan sebelumnya,akhirnya qu hiatus sejenak lalu milih Blogwalking!
Maen dari satu blog ke blog laen! Hm,Akhirnya quh bisa nemu blog yang bikin aquhagakterkesan! ck,ck,ck! Mungkin uda banyak yang tau! But, Ni just review duank kog!
Tuk mengisi kekosongan! Why? Quh suka ama blog dibawah ini? karna mereka bisa menuliskan semua pemikirannya dengan cara yang kreatif!
Ibarat makanan punya taste tersendiri! But,penilaian tiap orang tu pasti berbeda! baguz menurut gw,bukan berarti baguz juga menurut Lo!
Gw di sini kan cuma mo ngereview...
Sekaligus mo ngasi apresiasi yang besar tuk mereka!Thumbsup 3x!!!
Yang ke-2
Blog punya Dotta! Mantap!
Gw suka bahasanya!
Kalo lagi baca artikelnya,
Rasanya kayak dicakar-cakar!
Gw suka!
Cz bahasa metropolitannya lekat bgt!
By Dotta.Devil!
Nyiel.. thank you very very much.
thanks for your visit here and read my posts.
This is cool award from her
yeah, let's visit her cool blog!CLICK!
btw, what am i doing rite now?
im eating my dinner, hot crab in my dining room.
but i think, i'm very very silly, i know i'm allergic with crab but still want to eat it,
uhh.. LOL, i don't care. just a little,pwease..
and, my boyfriend will perform with his metal band in this nite, he's stupid.. he forgot that today he'll perform in the stage. hahaha
orite, it's enough to share about my day,
i love today and i love Nyiel too. hihi
Selamat yah!
ReplyDeleteUda dpt cool Award!
Go Dotta!
wah. makasih yaah :)
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